Business & Marketing

Why Non-Profits Need Marketing (And How Video Can Help)

Non-profit organizations are often driven by a noble mission: to make a positive difference in the world. Whether it’s fighting poverty, promoting education, providing healthcare or supporting human rights, non-profits have a lot to offer to their communities and beyond.

How Video Can Be Used as a Recruiting Tool

In today's competitive job market, organizations need to actively engage prospects and distinguish themselves from the competition. Traditional recruiting methods can be inefficient, costly, and time-consuming. The good news is that video technology can help save time and money while attracting the best talent out there…

Easily Create Multiple Versions of Your Video

Video production should be as flexible and customizable as possible. That's why we offer the ability to create multiple versions of your video, which can be tailored to specific audiences, uses, or platforms. This is a not-so-easily realized fact about having a video made by us…

Did You Know Your Video Can Be Updated Years Later?

We understand that video production is a dynamic and ever-evolving field. Our clients often come to us with specific goals in mind for their video project, but sometimes those goals change over time. That's why we want our clients to know that once a project is done and delivered, their footage is not gone forever…

How Much Does A Professional Video Cost?

How much does a video cost? It's a common question, but the answer is far from straightforward. Video production costs can vary widely based on factors like complexity, production quality, and the number of filming days. But the real question businesses should be asking is not how much a video costs, but rather how much they should pay for a video…

5 Ways Video Can Boost Your Business

In today's digital age, businesses need to leverage all available tools to attract and retain customers. One such tool is video. Video has become an increasingly popular way for businesses to convey important information about their products and services. Here at Creative Images, we've seen firsthand the power of video and how it can help businesses succeed. In this post, we'll explore how videos can boost your business and share some insights from our experience as a video production company…